"Any honest objective Mormon who reads this book is going to have a really hard time with its contents.  The evidence is laid out in a clear, convincing way and it is devastating to Mormon theology.  I highly recommend this book."

Pastor Brian Dunlop
Lighthouse Baptist Church
La Verne, California

     "I have lived in the Intermountain West for eight years and have been a serious student of Mormon theology, history and culture since I first met Mormon missionaries in 1979. In the intervening years I have read many books concerning the Mormon faith published by both Mormons and non-Mormons alike. This book is a logical, insightful and thought-provoking examination of the historical authenticity of the Book of Mormon. I highly recommend it to anyone who is sincerely interested in discovering the truth."

                                                                                            Raymond G. Knoff

Jesus Said:
"God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth ."

John 4:24, King James Version Bible

If what you believe is not true,
You are not worshipping the True God!
Andrew W. Talley

   I am totally overwhelmed at how well you put the pieces together! I had not thought of looking at the internal of the bom juxtaposed against the biblical history, setting and prophecy! This is definitely another nail in the coffin.                            Verne B.